Bus Transportation

  • As schools reopen, students using District transportation services will follow revised protocols. The new safety and disinfection protocols will need to be followed starting at the time when students arrive at their designated bus stop and board the school bus.

    Student Safety

    All students’ families complete a daily wellness self-check from home (including a temperature check) prior to sending their students to the bus stop. If a student has a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, they are to remain at home.


    • Hand sanitizer will be available to all passengers.


    Staff Safety

    All drivers will check in with dispatch and have their temperature checked upon arrival prior to receiving their keys and route.


    • Masks will be optional for all staff but welcomed and available for those who choose to wear them.


    Ventilation on the Bus

    Efforts will be made to increase the ventilation on the bus to reduce the spread of COVID-19.


    • A/C filters will be replaced with greater


    Environmental Hygiene

    Proper cleaning schedule will be followed to ensure debris is removed.


    • Each bus will be sprayed with a disinfectant upon completion of each day.


    COVID-19 Impact Notification

    Campuses will communicate with the Fort Worth ISD Transportation Department regarding cases in which a student has been impacted by COVID-19.