Phone: 817-814-2401


Degrees and Certifications:

Charles Garcia

Amon Carter-Riverside, North SIde, OD Wyatt

Secondary School Leadership, Elementary School Leadership, CCMR & Enrichment, Math/Science & Professional and Innovative Learning

Departments and Executive Directors

  • Secondary School Leadership

    Dr. Christopher Barksdale

    Campus Support: Carter-Riverside HS, North SIde HS, OD Wyatt HS, JP Elder MS, Kirkpatrick MS, YWLA, TABS, Marine Creek, TCC South

    Elementary School Leadership

    Christin Reeves

    Campus Support: Carter Park ES, Glen Park ES, WM Green ES, Charles Nash ES, Oakhurst ES, Nath Howell ES, Versia Williams ES, Springdale ES, Riverside ALC, Clifford Davis ES, Bonnie Brae ES

    Guadelupe Cortez

    Campus Support: Manuel Jara ES, Rufino Mendoza ES, Harean Beal ES, Kirkoatruck ESm Oaklawn ES, Sam Rosen ES, WJ Turener ES, Washington Heights ES, David K. Sellars ES, Dolores Huerta ES

    CCMR & Enrichment

    Dr. Lisa Castillo

    Math/Science & Professional and Innovative Learning

    Diane Lopez-Martinez