Fort Worth ISD Early Learning Department

  • Dr. Ramsey

    Play with Purpose: Making the Early Years Count

    The Early Learning Department is focused on providing children from pre-kindergarten through first grade with high quality, engaging learning experiences that ignite in every child a passion for learning. We recognize the importance of children’s social, emotional, cognitive, language and physical development. The early learning years are foundational in children’s success, both academically and socially. With opportunity and equitable access, children can begin their formal education on a positive trajectory for College, Career, and Military Readiness.

    Teaching through developmentally appropriate instructional practices, the early learning teacher designs learning experiences that challenge and engage children. At the core of instruction lies the pre-kindergarten Guidelines and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), putting the child at the center of all learning. The teaching and learning strategies are research-based and support a balance of child and teacher directed activities.
