

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Katy Fatheree

Mrs. Fatheree knew at a young age that she was called to be a teacher and has never looked back! She graduated from Cedar Hill High School and received a BA in History from Texas A&M University (Class of '07). Mrs. Fatheree got married to her husband Jeremy in 2007 and began teaching that same year. She has taught everything from Texas History to Government. Her passion is modern American History, with a focus on the Cold War period. She is thrilled to teach US History and Gov/Econ to upperclassmen at YWLA! Mrs. Fatheree is also excited to serve as a Senior Class Sponsor. She is currently working on her Masters degree from TCU - so Go Frogs, and Gig 'Em Aggies! When Mrs. Fatheree is not at school, she enjoys spending time with her family, hanging out at the ballpark, or cheering on her favorite teams - the Aggies, Frogs, Cowboys, and Rangers! In addition to her wonderful YWLA girls, Mrs. Fatheree is a proud boy mom to Gavin, Graham, and Grayson.
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