• Completed in 1958 but not opened until February 27,1959 because of unfinished streets, A.M. Pate Elementary School (originally #067, now #153) was designed by Preston M. Geren and erected by the Holden Construction Company. When completed, the school had 20 classrooms, an art room, a kindergarten room, and a library and room for 640 students. Its design differs from other schools built in this era in that it has a low-pitched gabled roof rather than a typical flat roof.

    A.M. Pate was named after Mr. Adlai McMilan Pate, Sr. (d. 1947), president of the Panther Grease Manufacturing Corporation, renamed the Texas Refinery Corporation and prominent philanthropist in Fort Worth. Pate's wife, Marie donated the land upon which the school was built.

Image of School Building