• School Nurse - Kristina Britton BSN,RN


    Benbrook Elementary


    Clinic Hours:

    7:00 am - 3:15 pm

    Phone: 817-815-6420, Fax: 817-815-6450

    Email: kristina.britton@fwisd.org

    Please visit the Bulldogs' Virtual Health Clinic Tab frequently for important information throughout the school year!!



    Important Reminders!!

    Keep your emergency contact information current and updated

    Report illnesses and injuries to the school nurse, such as: Covid-19, Flu, Strep Throat, Chickenpox, Fractures, Sprains, etc. Also report any cases of Head Lice.

    ALL medications to be administered at school must have a Doctor's written order. New orders must be obtained before the start of each school year. This includes all over the counter medications such as Tylenol (acetaminophen), Advil (ibruprofen), cough drops, allergy eye drops, medicated lip balm and topical ointments. Click on the link below for printable doctor order forms.

    六合彩资料大全 Health Services Forms 



    When to Keep Sick Students Home


    Please consider the following guidelines to help determine if your child should be sent to school, or remain at home.

    • The child has a temperature at or above 100 F. They should remain at home until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
    • The child is coughing frequently or having difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
    • The child has vomited two or more times. They should remain at home for 24 hours after last symptom without the use of medication.
    • The child has diarrhea. They should stay home for 24 hours after last symptom without the use of medication.
    • The child has a rash with fever. They should stay home until fever or rash is gone for 24 hours or until a doctor has seen the child and has given written permission for them to return to school.
    • Sore throat, severe headache, chills and body aches are also signs of a possible communicable disease.
    • Loss of taste or smell




     Back to School Information


    Keep all contact information up to date in Power School and with the front office. 

    When the School Nurse calls you, please answer. Have a plan on how your student can be picked up if they become ill or injured during school hours.

    It is the responsibility of every parent to provide a copy of their student's Immunization Record or the Original Exemption Affadavit. Please bring them to the front office/Nurse's office, or email to the nurse. This includes virtual students also, per Texas State mandate.

    For Pre K - 2nd grade, please send a clean pair of pants, shirt, underwear and socks to keep in their backpack or in their cubby/locker at school.

    Please share any pertinent health information with the Nurse, such as, chronic health conditions, medications, food allergies, etc.

    If your child has food allergies, or other allergies that require an Epi-pen, or medication to be given at school. Please contact the Nurse to ensure the appropriate paperwork is completed by the Doctor.



    Items always Needed in the Health Office:


    Germ X

    Sanitizing Wipes


    Feel free to donate!