Phone: 817-814-6915


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Alicia Johnson-Mata

This is Mrs. Johnson-Mata's 15th year as a proud School Counselor and 20th year in Education. She received her Master's Degree in School Counseling from the University of North Texas-Denton in 2002. She excels in building relationships with students by delivering guidance lessons to PK-5th grade classes as well as provides individual & group counseling opportunities. Mrs. Johnson-Mata also leads our Hope Squad, Student Council, Section 504 program, Study Halls, Snack Sack program and all other duties as needed. She lives in Fort Worth with her husband, Javier, and her two fur babies, Nellie and Feebie. She is also a retired Major, US Army Reserves with 24 years of military service. She's dedicated to making sure all students are successful academically, socially, and emotionally.  

You may contact Mrs. Johnson-Mata at or (817) 814-6915.

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