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Videos to Help Prepare for Online Learning

With the first day of school on September 8th we know our Leopard parents are eager to help prepare your student(s) – and yourself – for the virtual classroom.
As you know, all instruction and learning at Fort Worth ISD will be online the first four weeks of school. So, what can you do now to get ready? Watch these three videos for great tips and guidance on how to prepare for virtual learning. All of these videos are in English and Spanish and can be found at
Here is an overview of each video:
Step One: Creating a Space. It shows you how to create both an environment and a schedule for learning that will help your child and everyone in your home.
Step Two: This video introduces learning platforms and programs that teachers, students, and parents will use for online learning, and shows how to practice accessing them before school starts.
Step Three: This video provides five tips to help parents position their children to make the most of online learning.