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Congratulations to the Southwest UIL Journalism Team!

Congratulations to the Southwest UIL Journalism Team! They placed first at the district UIL contest this week. 


Here are the individual results:

News Writing

1st Place: Daniel Davila

2nd Place: Sekela Nzai

5th Place: Matthew Ruiz


Feature Writing

1st Place: Daniel Davila

2nd Place: Woody Joseph

3rd Place: Queen Tucker


Editorial Writing

1st Place: Chloe Soule

2nd Place: Madden Elliott


Headline Writing: 

1st Place: Ella Diaz

3rd Place: Aby Gomez


Copy Editing

4th Place: Sekela Nzai

5th Place: Jacei Bell-Cato. 


Daniel, Ella, Chloe, Sekela, Woody, Queen, Madden, and Aby will compete at the end of the month at the Regional Meet in Lubbock at Texas Tech University.