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A day in the life of a student at Waverly Park, un dia en la vida de un estudiante en Waverly Park!


After a good night of sleep, 

A Tiger can arrive to school in three different ways, bus rider, carline alone Bangor and Bandera Rd or walk from home or also from the church parking lot

From 7:20 am to 7:40 am a Tiger can either have breakfast or wait in the gym. Fun music plays and it is time to go to class. Tigers are welcome with their teachers' smile at 7:42 am by the classroom door. Tigers put coats and backpacks away. 7:50! It's team time. All Tigers in the class sit on a circle and take turns to be listened and to listen to other. Tigers needs to practice how to communicate with each other. Our leaders will be future leaders in a community.

From 8:00 am to 8:30 am Tigers and staff work in interventions ( Opportunity time) In other words, when their teacher observes that a Tiger missed an important concept or the data from a unit assessment shows that an idea was not mastered, the teacher or other support staff brings the Tiger to a small group and the idea is explained in a different ways with different resources. Got it? OK. Explain it to me! Yes! You got it! Good effort! You could be the next Student Champion for the six weeks. 

At 8:30, Mr. B makes only important announcements and reminds all Tigers to read and choose to be happy!

After 8:35 am, Tigers roll our up their sleeves and together they  learn valuable lessons about Math, Reading, Science and Social Studies throughout the day. We do not forget about writing, because it is incorporated on everything we do. 

Tigers have amazing talents and we have music, art and PE to develop those as well. 

Lunch? Lunch is yummy! So many options! Our cafeteria ladies come to school really early to make sure that we get a nutritious meal to keep learning like Champions. 

Some days we have speakers, demonstration, performances…Tigers do a lot of things. They have an amazing Parent Teachers Association, PTA. Please consider join them. PTA are important, they keep principals on check.

PK Tigers leave at 2:30 pm, and Kinder to 5th grade Tigers at 3:20 pm.  All their parents bring their pick-up card every day, in case we have a substitute in the class. Want to be a sub? Talk to Mr. B!

Three ways to go home, Carline same thing (there is a link in this homepage to explain how it works), Walk up by the library doors or bus ( PK Tiger Cub can not ride the bus)

Our Tigers go home, have something to eat, play, they are happy, they read a lot of books checked from the school library, might have some easy homework, have dinner and go to sleep to dream about the great things that they are going to do in life. 

Read and Choose to be happy 

Mr. B